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Daily Office readings for March 13, 2020

Friday in the 2nd Week of Lent. Psalm 95 ,  69:1-23(24-30)31-38 ; *  Psalm 73   Gen. 43:1-15 ;  1 Cor. 7:1-9 ;  Mark 4:35-41 I wanted to post a link to the service hymn #35 in  The Hymnal 1982  from The Episcopal Church being sung/performed, but I couldn't find one.  The text of the song is the same as the verses 1-7 of Psalm 95, and a portion of the tune of the song can be heard ( here ) S35. The Invitatory: Venite 1. Come let us sing to the Lor d ; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. 2. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving an d  raise a lou d  shout to him with psalms. 3. For the Lor d  is a great Go d , an d  a great King above all go d s. 4. In his han d  are the caverns of the earth, an d  the heights of the hills are his also. 5. The sea is his, for he ma d e it, an d  his han d s have mol d e d  the  d ry lan d . 6. Come, let us bow  d ...
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Mark 10:17-22 The Rich Young Man - Feb. 19, 2019

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